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20 Education
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2. What choice of school do I have for my child?
3. When must my child go to school?
4. May I teach my child at home?
You do not usually need permission to teach your child at home. However, if your child is of compulsory school age and is registered at a school, you should first write to the school to ask it to remove your child’s name from the school roll. The school must then let the LA know of this within two school weeks. You need permission to take your child off the school roll only if they go to a special school arranged by the LA.
You don’t need special qualifications to teach your child at home, and you don’t have to follow the national curriculum. However, you must make sure that your child is educated suitably for their age and ability and for any special educational needs they may have. If the LA does not think you are doing this, it might send you a school attendance order (see 'When must my child go to school?').
5. What will my child be taught at school?
6. What should I be told about my child and their progress?
7. What do I have to pay for at school?
8. What can I do if my child is being bullied?
9. What rights does the school have to discipline my child?
10. What happens if my child can´t go to school?
11. What say do I have in how the school is run?
12. What if I am not happy about my child´s school or education?
13. How can I get the right education for my child if they have special needs?
This leaflet was published by the Gurkha Free Legal Advice (LSC). It was written in association with the Advisory Centre for Education.
Leaflet Version: July 2008