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26 Domestic Violence, Abuse and Harassment
Download Domestic Violence, Abuse and Harassment (PDF File 423kb)
2. What can I do if someone in my family is abusing me?
3. Practical things to do if you have been abused
5. What the police can do for you
6. What a solicitor can do for you
7. Court orders you can get to protect you
8. How a court order protects you
9. What if the person abusing me is not my partner?
10. How can I help someone who is being abused?
If someone you know is being abused, you can give them this leaflet or the leaflet produced by the Home Office called ‘Violence, Financial Control, Emotional Abuse’, which has advice on dealing with abuse. See ‘Further help’ for details.
You should try to be supportive and understanding. Give the person time to talk and to work out whether they want to take action to stop the abuse. They may not be ready to take action yet. Any choice needs to be theirs. You may be able to offer practical help, such as the use of your phone, or having post sent to your address. Don’t put yourself in danger - call the police if you think your friend or their children are at risk.
11. Terms used in matters to do with domestic abuse
This leaflet is published by the Gurkha Free Legal Advice (LSC). It was written in association with Imogen Clout, a solicitor and mediator specialising in family law.
Leaflet version: August 2008