Angen siarad â rhywun nawr?
- Cael cyngor cyfreithiol cyfrinachol am ddim
Galwch 08001 225 6653 - Dydd Llun i Ddydd Gwener 9.00am i 8.00pm
- Dydd Sadwrn 9.00am i 12.30pm
- Mae galwadau yn costio o 4c y funud - neu gofynnwch i ni eich ffonio'n ôl
Chwiliwch am gynghorwyr yn eich ardal chi
Carchardai a charcharorion
Gwybodaeth am garchardai a hawliau carcharorion.
Gwybodaeth a chyngor o wefannau eraill
Prison life
Explains some of the services available to prisoners. It sets out the differences between convicted and unconvicted prisoners and young offenders. It also deals with female prisoners.
From: HM Prison Service
Locate a prison
An online tool that will help you locate a prison and find details such as visiting times and travel directions.
From: HM Prison Service
Prisoners' Advice Service
Prisoners' Advice Service provides legal advice and information to prisoners in England and Wales on their rights. They can also take up prisoners? complaints about their treatment inside prison.
From: Prisoners' Advice Service
The rights of prisoners
Includes the basic rights of prisoners, complaints and legal proceedings, visits, letters and telephones, family, access to prison records, classification, discipline, medical treatment, work, exercise, education, parole and release.
From: Liberty
Prisoners - making a complaint (PDF)
Information about how to complain about a problem if you are in prison. Covers the prison complaints procedure, the Independent Monitoring Board and the Prisons and Probation Ombudsman.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Prisoners - visits (PDF)
Information on the rights of people in prison to have visitors covering financial help for visiting and rules during a visit.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Visiting and family contact (PDF)
What you need to know about visiting someone in prison, including how to find out which prison they are in, how to arrange a visit, what ID you need, and what you can take.
From: Action for Prisoners' Families
Prisoners - letters (PDF)
Information on the rights of people in prison to send and receive letters.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Prisoners - phone calls (PDF)
Information on the rights of people in prison to make phone calls.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Health in prison (PDF)
Information on the right of people in prison to get medical treatemnt covering serious illness, drug and alcohol addiction, HIV/AIDS and death in prison.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Prisoners and debt (PDF)
Information for prisoners on dealing with their debts whilst in prison. Covers different types of debt and actions that can be taken to reduce them.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Early release from prison - serving your sentence in the community (PDF)
Advice for prisoners released to serve part of their sentence in the community. It includes rules to which prisoners on early release must adhere, and information on issues such as benefits and accommodation.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Prisoners - problems with property (PDF)
Information on what people in prison can take with them and the problems of keeping property safe.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Discrimination in prison (PDF)
Information on the right of people in prison not to be treated unfairly because of their race, disability or because they are a woman.
From: Adviceguide from Citizens Advice
Information for prisoners with a disability
Information for prisoners with a disability on their health, daily life, and how to get help in prison and on release.
From: Department of Health
- Darparwyd y dolennau gan Advicenow Gwefan annibynnol ddi-elw yw Advicenow sydd yn darparu gwybodaeth ynglŷn â hawliau a materion cyfreithiol. Mae'r dolennau a ddarparwyd gan Advicenow wedi'u dewis yn ofalus o dros 200 o wefannau o'r DU gan gynghorwyr profiadol.
Ein dewisiadau rhagorol
Hawliau dioddefwyr a thystion
Mae’n cynnwys gwybodaeth am eich hawl i gael eich amddiffyn, eich hawl i breifatrwydd oddi wrth y cyfryngau, eich hawliau petaech yn dweud wrth yr heddlu am drosedd, a’ch hawliau fel tyst mewn llys.
Delio â’r heddlu(Yn cael ei diweddaru ar hyn o bryd)
Os oes gennych gŵyn ynglŷn â’r ffordd y mae’r heddlu wedi’ch trin chi (neu rywun arall), mae yna rai pethau y gallwch eu gwneud i ddelio â’r mater. Dysgwch am eich hawliau, ac am y ffyrdd gwahanol y gallwch eu dilyn.
Eich amddiffyniad yn y llysoedd
Os cawsoch eich cyhuddo o droseddu a’ch bod i ymddangos gerbron llys, bydd angen cyfreithiwr arnoch. Canfyddwch beth sy’n digwydd mewn llys fel eich bod yn gwybod beth i’w ddisgwyl.
Gwasanaeth Cynghori Carcharorion
Mae’r Gwasanaeth Cynghori Carcharorion yn darparu cyngor cyfreithiol a gwybodaeth ar gyfer carcharorion yng Nghymru a Lloegr ynglŷn â’u hawliau. Gallant hefyd ymgymryd â chwynion carcharorion ynglŷn â’u triniaeth yng ngharchar.
Angen cyngor nawr?
Ffoniwch 08001 225 6653 am gyngor cyfrinachol a diduedd am ddim, neu gofynnwch i ni eich ffonio neu eich e-bostio'n ôl.