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Care at home
Most of us would probably like to live independently in our own homes for as long as possible. And, with a little help, most of us will be able to. It's important to know your legal rights to make sure you get all the support to which you are entitled.
So if you find yourself struggling to manage everyday tasks like getting washed and dressed, preparing meals or doing your shopping, don't be afraid to ask for help. Your local council's social services department may be able to advise and assist you to manage these tasks. You may be able to get care from a care assistant and aids to assist you to do things yourself. And it may be possible to adapt your home to make basic tasks easier and safer, for example by fitting grab rails and a community alarm.
You may have to pay for this help. How much you have to pay will depend on your circumstances. But you may also be entitled to certain benefits related to your need for care and to other financial assistance. And you may be able to get support if you are caring for someone, too.
The NHS can help with any health needs you may have. As well as care from your GP, other community health professionals can provide support. District nurses can visit and can provide, for example, continence advice and equipment. And there are other services, such as physiotherapy, that you may need and find helpful. The NHS can also provide medical equipment, such as wheelchairs. Care provided by the NHS is free.
What if it is my child who needs help to stay living at home with me?
This webguide is mainly aimed at adults who need some help to manage living in their own home or their carers. If you have a child who needs care and support because they have some disabilities, see information on caring for a disabled child on the Directgov website.