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What can I do if I need care at home?
Many of us will need a helping hand with everyday tasks at some point in our lives. If you are older, ill or disabled, your local council has a responsibility to help you cope with taking care of yourself through 'community care'. And you may be able to get help if you are caring for someone, too. Here we explain what help is available, how to get it and what you may have to pay for.
You can also find information on getting care and support at home on the Government's Directgov website.
And if you think you may need to move to a care home, you can find out more here.
If you have a child who needs care and support because they have some disabilities, see information on caring for a disabled child on the Directgov website.
What kind of help is available?
You may be able to get help with everyday tasks. And the NHS can help if you have healthcare needs.
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