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Information about pet welfare. Includes the law about dog fouling and dangerous dogs. Includes the rules about quarantine and pet passports when you bring pets into the UK.

Information and advice from other websites

Our top picks

photograph of a man working on farming machinery

The Countryside and Rights Of Way Act 2000

Information on access to open country, public rights of way, nature conservation and areas of outstanding natural beauty.

photograph of a man, woman and dog walking along a path in the countryside

Dealing with problems in your local environment

Information on dealing with local environmental problems including abandoned cars, litter, pest control and problems with roads and pavements.

photograph of the countryside

Planning portal

A guide to applying for planning permission and building regulations approval.

photograph of a canal and pathway in the countryside

Recycling and waste

The issues around recycling and waste, and the actions the Government is taking.

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Call 08001 225 6653 for free, confidential and impartial advice, or ask us to call or email you back.

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