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Can I get any financial help?
You may be able to get Carer's Allowance.
Can I get any financial help?
You may be able to get Carer's Allowance if you are aged 16 or over and you spend at least 35 hours a week caring for a person who gets certain benefits because of their care needs.
If you qualify for Carer's Allowance, you may also be entitled to other benefits, such as Income Support and Housing Benefit.
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Who cannot get Carer's Allowance?
You cannot get Carer's Allowance if you are in full-time education with 21 hours or more a week of supervised study, or earn more than a certain amount (currently £100 a week after deductions, such as income tax, have been made).
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How do I claim Carer's Allowance?
You can:
- ask your local Jobcentre Plus or Pensions Service centre for a claim form
- contact the Carer's Allowance Unit (01253 856 123), or the Benefit Enquiry Line (0800 88 22 00)
- download the claim form pack, or
- claim online.
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What you can do now:
- Call the Carers Helpline for help and advice on 0808 808 7777
- Call the Disability and Carers Service for information on Carers Allowance on their freephone line 0800 88 22 00. Textphone 0800 24 33 55.
- Get help and advice from Age UK (the new organisation formed by AgeConcern and Help the Aged)
- Get advice now by calling 08001 225 6653, or ask us to call you.
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