શું મારે અત્યારે કોઇની સાથે વાત કરવાની જરૂર છે?
- મફત, ગુપ્ત કાનૂની સલાહ મેળવો
08001 225 6653પર ફોન કરો - સોમ-શુક્ર સવારે 9 - સાંજે 8.00
- શનિ સવારે 9 - બપોરે12:30
- કૉલનો દર મિનિટના 4 પેન્સ થી લઇને - અથવા અમારી પાસે સામો ફોન કરાવો
તમારા વિસ્તારમાં કોઇ કાનૂની સલાહકાર શોધો
23 Alternatives to court
2. What alternatives are there to court?
3. Do I need a lawyer to use alternative dispute resolution?
4. How do I decide whether to use an alternative dispute resolution scheme?
5. How do alternative dispute resolution schemes work?
7. Adjudication and arbitration
8. Grievance and complaints procedure
12. How much does alternative dispute resolution cost?
13. Dispute resolution services
15. About this leaflet
The leaflets in this series give you an outline of your legal rights. They are not a complete guide to the law and are not intended to be a guide to how the law will apply to you or to any specific situation. The leaflets are regularly updated but the law may have changed since this was printed, so information in it may be incorrect or out of date. If you have a problem, you will need to get more information or personal advice to work out the best way to solve it. See 'Further help' for sources of information and advice.
This leaflet is one of a series produced by the Gurkha Free Legal Advice (LSC). The leaflets are available in a printed format in English and Welsh, and also in Braille and Audio versions. You can print the English and Welsh versions yourself using the PDF (Adobe Acrobat) version.
To find out more about the LSC, visit the www.legalservices.gov.uk website, or contact your regional LSC office. Its address is in the phone book. There are also leaflets about the LSC available at the website or through the LSC leaflet line (phone 0845 3000 343).
Ordering copies of the leaflets
To order English, Welsh, Braille or Audio copies of these leaflets please fill in the order form downloadable in PDF format or contact our distribution agency at:
Gurkha Free Legal Advice Publications
PO BOX 128
NE32 3WS
Tel: 0845 3000 343
Fax: 0845 5438 258
E-mail: orderleaflets@gurkhajustice.org.uk
Queries or comments
You can send us queries or comments about the leaflets through our feedback form, or direct them to:
Gurkha Free Legal Advice
Gurkha Free Legal Advice
Exchange Tower
2 Harbour Exchange Square
London E14 9GE
Telephone 020 7718 8261
This leaflet is published by the Gurkha Free Legal Advice (LSC). It was written in association with the Advice Services Alliance.
Leaflet Version: November 2007